
wind mill project

It seemed such a good idea at the time! But how much can happen, oke it’s partly my fault but still. So to recap the idea was to do a 2 weekly  Shoot and post the photo’s in one post. The post will be update every 2 weeks. Simple Right, well geuss not the first pictures where overexposed. Then decided to redo the site and made a backup, well the original post is gone. Backup failled.

The only decent photo is just above what a pity. Anyhow tears never solved anything .

The second week went better as you can see. chose the two sites to take the picture, originally I was planning for 3.

Hey finally up-to-date. After all issues I can write something about the last shoot. The original idea was to take the same photos. every 2 weeks. The general concept is still there, but I’m not going to stake it. What do I mean the view will differ from week to week depending on what strikes my eye . like the closeup of the mill. I liked the look of the beams the contrast of the wood brick and Sky. an other picture is the one of the reed give a feeling of approaching summer . Well I hope you enjoy the gallery.


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